Elio Importing fine Italian Foods, introduces Alcas Italian gelato and patisserie containers. Elio Importing providing your neighborhood Italian Gelaterian and Italian Patisserie Bakery with traditional Italian Alcas Gelato and Patisserie container products. Confectionery Products.

Fine Gelato and Patisserie Line, Elenka from Palermo Italy available through Elio Importing Ltd. Fine Italian Foods.

Elio Importing Ltd. 905-738-0646


Alcas Gelato Take Out Containers Orange 350 gams - 500 ml

Gelato, Italian Ice cream,  Italian Pastry's to go and display gelato containers

Alcas Gelato Containers 350 Gram - 500 millilitres

Color: Orange

Packaging: 200 PER Carton

Alcas Gelato Lids for Containers 350 grams - 500 ml

Gelato, Italian Ice cream, to go container lids for Gelato

Alcas Gelato Lids 350 grams - 500 ml

Packaging: 200 PER Carton

Alcas Gelato Take Out Containers Pink 750 Grams - 1 litre

Gelato, Italian Ice cream,  Italian Pastry's to go and display gelato containers.

Alcas Gelato Containers 750 Grams - 1 litre

Color : Pink

Packaging:  150 PER Carton

Alcas Gelato Lids for Containers 750 grams - 1 Litre

Gelato, Italian Ice cream, to go container lids for gelato containers

Alcas Gelato Lids 750 grams - 1 Litre

Packaging: 150 PER Carton

Alcas Gelato Take Out Containers Orange 1 Kilogram - 1.5 litre

Gelato, Italian Ice cream,  Italian Pastry's to go and display containers

Containers 1 Kilogram - 1.5 litre

Color : Orange

Packaging:  100 PER Carton

Alcas Gelato Lids for Containers 1 Kilogram - 1.5 Litre

Gelato, Italian Ice cream, Gelato to go containers lids

Alcas Gelato Lids 1 Kilogram - 1.5 Litre

Packaging: 100 PER Carton

Alcas Gelato Take Out Containers green 1.5 Kilogram - 2 litre

Gelato, Italian Ice cream,  Italian Pastry's to go and display containers

Alcas Gelato Containers 500 grams

Color: Green

Packaging:  100 PER Carton

Alcas Gelato Inserts or Take Out Containers 4.750 litre - 4400 cc.

Gelato, Italian Ice cream,  To Go Container for Gelato

Alcas Gelato Containers 4.750 litre  - 4400 cc.

Color: Grey

Packaging: 150 PER Carton

Alcas Gelato Inserts or Take Out Containers 4.750 Litres - 4400cc.

Gelato , Italian Ice cream, to go container for gelato

Alcas Gelato Containers 4750 litre

Color: White

Packaging: 150 PER Carton

Alcas Gelato Lids for Containers 4.750 Li - 4400 cc.

Gelato, Italian Ice cream, To Go Lids for Gelato

Alcas Gelato Lids 4.75 Litre

Packaging: 150 PER Carton